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The culture medium used for the analysis of the sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs disco-diffuse method. To conduct the study, the medium is seeded "lawn" way with an analyzing culture, and then placed antibiotics on the surface of the disks, no more than 6 pieces in a Petri dish. Cultured at 37 ° C for 24 hours. The results were evaluated by a zone of stunted growth around the disc.

In addition to traditional agar Mueller-Hinton, we also produce a modification with glucose and methylene blue for analysis of the effectiveness of the antifungal (antimycotic) drugs.

Nutrient medium recommended by the Health Ministry of Ukraine Order № 167 from 05.04.2007 to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to the antibacterial preparations disco-diffuse method.


Table №1. Mueller-Hinton agar

Агар Мюллера-Хінтона


Table №2. Mueller-Hinton agar for fungicides

Агар Мюллера-Хінтона для фунгіцидів

for fungicides